Computerized Healthcare, a feasible goal

Pluriservice and Sant’Anna Hospital in Ferrara

The Success of Computerized Healthcare

Computerized Healthcare

Managing prescriptions and medications, to protect in-hospital patients. Computerized Healthcare: we accomplished our goal. Pluriservice Group is very pleased to have contributed to the computerization process involving the Sant’Anna Hospital in Ferrara. Computerizing the therapeutic process, in fact, means  drastically reducing drud-related errors, thus protecting patients health. This achievement was possible by introducing the Unique Information Therapy Sheet (Futi) in the Sant’Anna Hospital departments: a technology that traces all actions of professionals involved in patient care. Computerized health means security. In fact, through Pluriservice technologies, the “Sheet” becomes the constant link betwen physician, patient and drugs. With a barcode, you can identify patient, drugs taken and healthcare provider. The Plus reader can identify every single registered drug and report an error in case of misreading. “The use of the Unique Information Therapy Sheet in Obstetrics department already gave satisfactory results”, – says Eugenio di Ruscio, Sant’Anna’s health director – “our goal is to extend this technology to all other departments. All departments specifications are unique, and it will take a few years to complete the process.The surgery departments will be the next to benefit from this technology”.